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The University of Texas at Austin - What Starts Here Changes The World The University of Texas at Austin Division of Student Affairs

Research Consortium Publications

Highlights of the Research Consortium Outcomes Project: November, 1998 (David J. Drum and Augustine Baron)

Dose-Effect Relationships in Brief Therapy (Matthew Draper, Judy Jennings, Augustine Baron, Ozgur Erdur, and Lavanya Shankar)

History of Parental Problem Drinking and Its Relationship with Help-Seeking College Students Distress Scores (Lavanya Shankar, Augustine Baron, Ozgur Erdur, and Matthew Draper)

Working Alliance & Treatment Outcome in Ethnically Similar and Dissimilar Client - Therapist Pairings (Ozgur Erdur, Stephanie Rude, Augustine Baron, Matthew Draper, and Lavanya Shankar)

The Relationship of Client Stages of Change to Retention, Working Alliance, and Outcome in Short-Term Therapy (Aaron B. Rochlen, Stephanie Rude, and Augustine Baron)

Counseling Utilization by Ethnic Minority Students (Lisa Kearney, Matthew Draper, and Augustine Baron)

Factor Analysis and Concurrent Validity of a University Counseling Center Presenting Problems Checklist (Matthew Draper, Judy Jennings, and Augustine Baron )

A Validation of the Factor Structure of OQ-45 Scores Using Factor Mixture (Seong-Hyeon Kim, S. Natasha Beretvas, and Alissa R. Sherry )

Baldwin, S.A. Wampold, B.E., & Imel, Z.E. (2007). Untangling the alliance-outcome correlation: Exploring the relative importance of therapist and patient variability in the alliance. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 75(6) 842-852

Draper, M.R., Jennings, J., Baron, A., Erdur, O., & Shankar, L. (2002) Time-limited counseling outcome in a nationwide college counseling center sample. Journal of College Counseling, 22.

Erdur, O., Rude, S., & Baron, A (2003). Symptom improvement and length of treatment in ethnically similar and dissimilar client-therapist pairings. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50(1), 52-58.

Erdur-Baker, O, Aberson, C.L., Draper, M.R., & Barrow, J.C. (2006). Nature and Severity of College Students' Psychological Concerns: A Comparison of Clinical and Non-Clinical National Samples. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 37(3), 317-323.

Kearney, L.K., Draper, M.R., & Augustin Baron, A. (2005). Counseling utilization by ethnic minority college students. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 11(3), 272Ð285.

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